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Kate has a vampire nest with her mate Luther in a barn. She loves 'making' new friends.

LocationManning, Colorado
AffiliationFamily Nest
FamilyLuther (lifemate)
Portrayed byAnne Openshaw


Kate comes into the bar with Beau and two other male vampires in Manning, Colorado on July 8, 2006. They go over to a table, and Kate orders a bottle of Jack. Kate catches Elkins' scent, but he runs out the back door. She tracks Elkins back to his cabin, and confronts him. Beau and another male vampire climb up to the roof, and come in through the skylights. Falling to the floor, they jump over the desk and pin Elkins down, causing him to drop the Colt he's holding. Kate comes crashing into the barricaded room and admires the gun, before telling the boys they were eating in. She collects the Colt for Luther, as well as other money and stuff.

A few nights later on July 11, Beau with Kate and other vampires are drinking by the side of the road, awaiting a car. When one does show, Kate tells Beau it's his. He lays down in the road to get the car to stop and when it does, he grabs the boy when he comes out to investigate. Kate grabs their money, while her nest grabs the people.

The next night the vampires are partying. Beau tries to get Jenny to drink some beer but she spits into his face. Beau goes to backhand her, but Kate stops him, telling him to wait for Luther. Luther shows up and Kate happily goes to welcome him with a kiss. Afterwards, she shows their leader the 'presents'. Luther likes the look of Jenny, but tells the other vampires to treat themselves on Jenny's boyfriend. Kate happily leads Luther over to a bar, and tells Luther about catching Daniel Elkins' scent. Luther's upset with her, afraid that others will come for her. She apologizes. Luther picks up the Colt. Kate laughs over the idea that Elkins would defend himself with a gun, but Luther informs her it's no ordinary gun.

Later on, as Kate and Luther are getting it on, Luther notices Jenny watching them. Kate and Luther head over to Jenny, and Kate informs the girl she's going to take her so high, she'll never come down. Luther cuts Kate's arm, and she sucks some of her blood inside her mouth, then sits on Jenny and forces her to kiss, giving her own blood into Jenny.

When day came, Kate went to bed. Luther is late coming to bed. During the day Jenny cries out, and Kate and Luther wake up to find a hunter in their bedroom. Luther reacts immediately, throwing him against the wall. The hunter throws a bottle at their window, breaking it, causing Kate and Luther to flinch back from the sunlight. He calls out, “Boys, run!” and then he escapes. Kate and Luther goes through the rest of the nest to find out what happened, and catch the scents of the other two hunters. The vampires plan on dealing with them that night.

Kate, with Hank, runs across one of them that night, standing over an Impala. Kate offers a lift back to her place, but he refuses with a smart comment. Kate backhands him, lifts him up, and considers. She tells him she likes making new friends, giving him a long kiss. Arrows come shooting out of the bushes - one for Hank and one for her. She recognizes the hunter from that day, and taunts him that it barely stings. He tells her it's soaked in dead man's blood, right before she loses consciousness, being grabbed by the guy she kissed earlier.

Kate goes in and out of consciousness, hearing bits and pieces of a plan and a fight the three hunters have. She starts to come to in a pickup truck, and her hands are tied with a thick rope. Kate gets yanked out of the truck and held tightly with a knife to her throat. He wants to trade her for the Colt. Luther puts the Colt down and steps back willingly, as Kate works on getting her hands free. Just as the older hunter grabs the gun, she hits him back into the truck. Luther steps in and hits him into the glass of the open truck door, knocking him out. Two others come racing out of the woods, shooting arrows once more. Luther grabs the tall one, holding him as hostage to get the other one to drop the machete, which he finally does. The older hunter shoots Luther in the head with the Colt, and Kate can only watch helplessly as the magic from the Colt causes Luther to die. Kate starts for the older hunter, but Jenny grabs Kate and pulls her to their car. Kate jumps in and the car roars away.

Powers and Abilities

Just like all other vampires, Kate has the same powers and abilities that all vampires have.


Just like all other vampires, Kate is vulnerable to all things that make vampires vulnerable.

