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The wendigo was once a human that turned to cannibalism in order to survive, and became a wendigo. In 1959, it attacked a family in a cabin, leaving only a boy who slept next to the fire alive. The boy later grew up to tell Sam and Dean about the occurrence.

LocationBlack Water Ridge, Colorado
Portrayed byRoy Campsall


The wendigo was a creature that terrorized Blackwater Ridge every 23 years. It abducted Tommy Collins after waking from hibernation a few months earlier and planned to feed off him to survive. It hunted Sam, Dean and the other Collin siblings in an attempt to capture and eat them. It killed their hunting guide because he "pissed" it off by shooting at it. After Dean and the others found its lair a battle ensued; Dean was able to kill it with a flare gun, saving everyone.

Powers and Abilities

