Chapter 11 records Saul's first leadership roll as King of Israel. Na-hash, King of Ammon, led his army against the Giddinite city of Jabesh-gilead. In Judges 21, the city had been destroyed by the forces of Israel for not helping in the destruction of the Tribe of Benjamin. It had been destroyed several times before. There seemed to be a bad omen about this city. This time, the Ammonites, whom God had previously protected because they were the ancestors of Lot, threaten the city. They approach the city and the citizens attempt to bargain with the Ammonites. "Do not destroy us and we will become your servants". Na-hash, the Ammonite King, agreed but with one stipulation: "We must be allowed to gouge out the right eye of every one of you as a disgrace upon all Israel". The People of Jabesh-gilead ask for 7 days to try to get some help from their brothers. If no help comes, they would agree to Na-hash's terms.
The cities leaders send word to Saul at Gibeah. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul and he took 2 oxen and cut them up and sent a piece to each of the Tribes of Israel along with this message: "This is what will happen to your oxen if you refuse to follow Saul and Samuel into battle". 330,000 troops showed up, then Saul sent word to Jabesh-gilead, "Tomorrow we will rescue you." So the people of the city sent word to the king of the Ammonites, "We will surrender tomorrow".
Early the next morning Saul arrived and in a surprise attack, slaughtered the Ammonites. It appeared that he had proven himself a King and a warrior and the people wanted to kill all those who had doubted but Saul said no, "Today the Lord has rescued Israel".
Then Saul, Samuel and the people of Israel went to Gilgal and in a solemn ceremony before the Lord, crowned Saul King of Israel. Then they offered a Peace Offering unto the Lord.
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