A Vision of the Latter Days

Click here to read Daniel 11.

Chapter 11 records the appearance of the Angel Gabriel that shows Daniel what is going to happen to God's people in the "Latter Days". Gabriel declares that the Greeks shall set up an empire on the ruins of the Persian Empire, and the Egyptians and Syrians shall set up large empires and war against each other. Egypt will eventually almost defeat Syria but the son of the King of Syria shall assemble a large army and recover all that his father lost to the Egyptians. He further declares that this king of Syria will be a sworn enemy of the Jews and that he will be boisterous, common and sordid. Many will consider him insane. He will exploit the Jews and take spoils from their cities and land. He will profane the Temple and persecute those who possess any integrity. Because of his victories he will become "puffed up" and defy God. He will trample down everything that is sacred. Eventually judgment will come to him out of the east and north. This will be Persia and Parthia. He shall come to his end and none shall help him. This was prophesied in 550 B.C. and came to pass about 350 years later.

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