Instructions and Warnings

Click here to read Deuteronomy 4.

Chapter 4 records a review by Moses of the blessings of the Lord in the past and exhorts them to obedience. Notice the instructions and warnings that Moses gives the people of Israel in this chapter.

  1. Obey the Laws that the Lord has given you.
  2. Do not add or subtract from these Laws.

Rev. 22: 18-19, "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophesy of this book, if anyone takes away from the words of this book, God will take away his share of the "tree of life" in the Holy City."

  1. Do not forget what happens to people who worship idols.
  2. Obedience to the Law will bring you a reputation of wisdom and intelligence.
  3. Tell your children what God did four you especially at Mt. Sinai.
  4. Be aware. You never saw God, so do not attempt to make any statue of him, or do not make an idol of any human form or worship the sun, moon or stars.

Moses ends the chapter with great prophesy. Notice how accurate it has been.

  1. They will cross the Jordan and conquer the land.
  2. Their days in the Promise Land will be brief. (They possessed it in 1200 B.C. and lost it in 600 B.C.)
  3. They would be utterly destroyed and scattered among the nations. (The Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed in approx. 700 BC. and the Southern Kingdom of Judah was destroyed in approx. 586 BC.
  4. Later you will begin to search for your God and you shall find Him. There will be bitter times that will come upon you in the "Latter Days".

The Jews were persecuted the first half of this century, since 1946 they have started to return and build the nation of Israel. Why is the Lord doing this? Verse 37 says, "Because He loved their ancestors and CHOSE to bless them. The chapter ends with the setting aside of three "Cities of Refuge" east of the Jordan River where one could seek refuge if he had accidentally killed someone. They were the following cities. Bezer, for the Reubenites, Ramoth, for the Gaddites and Golan, for the Manassehites.

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