The Sabbath Year of Release

Click here to read Deuteronomy 15.

Chapter 15 deals with "The Sabbath Year of Release". Every seventh year there will be a cancellation of all debts. Every creditor shall mark "paid in full" on every debt owed him. This did not apply to foreigners who owed money to the Israelite. When the people complained that this would cause them to go broke, the Lord promised those who did this that He would bless them more than they could ever loose. Do not refuse a loan because the year of cancellation is close at hand.

If you buy a "Hebrew slave", you must free them at the end of the sixth year. There was three ways that a Hebrew could become a slave (indentured servant).

  1. You could sell yourself to another Hebrew to escape poverty.
  2. Children were often sold by their parents as a means of revenue.
  3. A Judge could sentence you to servitude as the result of some crime you had committed.

These people would be freed at the end of the sixth year and given a "farewell" gift, no less then 30 shekels of silver. If the slave does not wish his freedom, he must then have his ear pierced and forfeit his freedom for life. Ex. 21: 5-6, "If a man plainly says that he prefers his master to freedom, he shall be brought before the judges who will publicly bore his ear with an awl and be a slave forever."

The chapter closes with more about sacrifices. All first-born male animals belong to the Lord. They are to be brought to the Sanctuary and eaten by the family each year. First-born animals with a blemish are to be eaten at home after the blood has been drawn.

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