Chapter 2 deals with "The Wonderful Body of Christ", the Church. Verses 1 thru 3 tells us what our old unsaved condition was like. Unsaved is dead in trespasses and sin. Sin is what causes the separation from God. Conforming to the world is living in sin. Paul says, "All have walked that way". We are, by nature, slaves to sin therefore slaves to Satan for he is the god of this world and we, when we belong to him, are children of disobedience, having a carnal mind and living in the passions of the flesh. We also have corrupt affections, being evil by reason of our natural inclinations and appetites.
Not a very pretty picture, is it? Obviously, not all unsaved people are equally
evil, but, they are all serve the same Master and they all are lost in the eyes of
God. There are now, therefore, no degrees of being lost or being saved.
The New Condition
["Click here for Ephesians 2:4-22"]
So what can be done about this evil nature? Verses 4 thou 10 describe "A New Condition", being alive to God. Four glorious changes can be wrought by the Grace of God.
So together we become, by God's Grace, "The Wonderful Body of Christ, the Church.
In verses 11 and 12, Paul says to the Gentile Ephesians, "Think back to that miserable lost condition that you once were in." This was the condition of all Gentiles before Christ. Paul suggests that all converted sinners should occasionally look back on their condition before they accepted Christ. Paul suggests a few conditions that existed in our lives prior to Christ:
But now things are different, in the wonderful body of Christ, and Paul continues to tell us about it in verses 13 thru 22. Here we see God ending the division that existed for years between the Jew and the rest of the world. Paul describes the Jew as those who were "nigh" and the Gentile as those who were "afar off", divided by a wall of hostility. In Christ that wall was destroyed. God, by sending His Son, brought those who were afar off, close to Him. Now, Jew and Gentile, all are close to God. But Paul says there still was something lacking. Hostility did not cease just because they both now had access to God. To the contrary, it got worse. What, then, was necessary? PEACE.
The "Peace of Christ". Christ made us one in Him thus He broke the hostility by abolishing the Law of commandments and ordinances. What did this accomplish?
Notice how this was accomplished. First of all, it was accomplished by the building of a good "foundation" by God. That foundation was made up of the Prophets and the Apostles with Christ as the "cornerstone". Then the Holy Temple was designed, a dwelling place for God's Spirit. Where is that? The bodies of the saved, the Saints. "Know ye not that your body is the Temple of God? Paul in verse 22 says it is the dwelling place of God in the Spirit. So we are the wonderful body of Christ.
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