The Wonderful Building of Christ

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The Mystery of Witnessing

["Click here for Ephesians 3:1-13"]

Chapter 3 deals with the "Wonderful Building (work) of Christ". In this chapter we see what can be accomplished by God's cooperation and man's determination. Verses 1 thru 13 deal with the "mystery" of the Church. "For this reason, I (Paul) was called to be an Apostle to the Gentiles." For what reason? To witness of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ, and for that, he suffered. Lets remind ourselves of what Paul suffered for bringing the Gospel to the Gentile. It's recorded for us in II Cor. 11:24, five times he had received 40 lashes minus one, he had been beaten many times with rods, he was once stoned and left for dead, three times he was shipwrecked, 24 hours adrift at sea, always in danger from rivers, oceans,robbers, Jews, city people, wilderness and false brothers. He was often hungry and thirsty and suffering from cold and exposure. Can anyone doubt that Paul suffered for his calling.

Notice what Paul says in verse 13, "I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you." Paul did not want pity nor was He bragging, he considered it his "reasonable service". He believed that all this was necessary that he might fulfill his mission to the Gentiles.

Notice in verse 2 that Paul assume s that they had heard of his conversion, his calling and his revelation. He mentions that he had written of it briefly before, probably referring to his letter to the Galatians which was circulated to other churches also.

Notice how the "mysteries" of God was revealed to Paul, (Gal. 1:12) "I did not receive it from man, but it came thru a revelation of Jesus Christ." Christ, thru the Holy Spirit, revealed to Paul all that he wrote, thought or preached.

In verse 4, Paul tells us that this Gospel of God's Grace existed from the beginning but was not revealed to other generations as it was to him and others who were led of the Spirit.

What particular part of the Gospel was Paul speaking about? (Verse 6) He was speaking of the condition of the Gentiles now i.e., fellow heirs, members of the same body, partakers of the promise of Christ. To what does this entitle us" "The unsearchable riches of Christ". Unsearchable means unable to be found unless they are revealed by God. Notice what these unsearchable riches are:

  1. God's plan of salvation.
  2. God's wisdom.
  3. Faith, boldness, confidence.

Here Paul calls himself a "minister of Christ". Mostly, he called himself, an Apostle. Here he also calls himself the "least" of all Saints. We are so indebted to Paul for most of what we know about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul was eventually martyred for his calling, we are not told how, but as a Roman citizen, he was probably beheaded by the sword. One record indicates that Paul was crucified, perhaps by choice, on the Ostian Way, a Roman Highway near Rome.

The Privilege of Witnessing

["Click here for Ephesians 3:14-21"]

Verses 14 thru 21 deal with the privileges of being a part of this "Building of Christ". Paul says, "For this reason,"... because of God's revelation of His unsearchable riches, "I bow my knees before the Father." This designates reverence toward God, even though he came "boldly" to the thrown of Grace, he also came reverently.

Verse 15, suggests that Christ is the source of the name that every saved person on earth and in heaven, is called, and that name is "Christian". Where were they first called Christians? Antioch of Syria. What were they called prior to that? Followers of the Way.

Notice that those in heaven who wear the "crown of glory" and those on earth who as "under Grace", make up one family and they are called Christians.

Notice what the blessings are of being a part of this "Great Building of Christ".

  1. Strength. Verse 16 says we are strengthened with might. How? Thru prayer, Bible study and the Holy Spirit. We cannot find a more reliable source of strength than the Holy Spirit. He strengthens us inwardly, He dwells within.
  2. The second blessing is the indwelling of Christ. Where the Spirit dwells, Christ dwells. By faith we open up our hearts to the indwelling of Christ. Matthew Henry says, "Faith admits and submits."
  3. The third blessing is that we are now "rooted" and "grounded" in love. Settled (rooted) and established (grounded). Rooted means, having taken hold, seeking the deep nourishment of God. Grounded means, not subject to every wind of doctrine, not being blown by the wind but being firm in the faith. This is the blessing of the mature Christian.
  4. We believe that being well rooted and grounded means:
    1. Assured of our salvation.
    2. Established in our Christian life.
    3. Knowledgeable of the Truth.
  5. The fourth blessing is "Power to Comprehend". We should all seek to understand all that God would reveal to us. Paul believed that understanding encompassed all the dimensions this world, even the 4th. dimension, i.e., length, breath, height and depth. This also describes God's Love for us, and even though we cannot comprehend that love, we should always seek to understand it.
  6. The fifth blessing is that we are "filled", filled with the fullness of God. Now, what does that mean? Matthew Henry calls this, "A high expression, one we should not use if we don't understand it." The "fullness of God" has been described as all those Graces which He sees fit to give us. God is always ready to meet our needs, but only to those who are willing to have Him meet their needs. So each one of us is filled with the fullness of God, according to our capacity and desire.

Paul ends the chapter with a doxology, verses 20 and 21. Notice how he describes God in this passage. "One who is able to do far more than all that we ask or think." Could it be that our comprehension of God is too small? Paul knew that often we do not receive because we do not ask, and often we do not ask because we do not believe He will grant our need. We, by having limited faith, limit God.

How can we cultivate the awareness of God's desire and ability to do for us far more than all that we ask?

  1. By testing, try it, you'll like it.
  2. By being aware of the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  3. By recognizing what He has already done in our lives, not the least of which is our salvation.

Secondly, in the doxology, Paul glorifies God. The seat or focal point for phrases to God is in the church. Every member of the Body of Christ should phrase God for His mercy in salvation. Jesus is our Mediator, all God's gifts come thru Him. All our phrases pass thru Him to the Father, and this it shall be throughout the ages. And so the Wonderful Body of Christ provides for us access to His wisdom and power.

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