Chapter 6 deals with the "Wonderful Warfare". We are at war, in this world, from the moment that we accept Christ. Paul speaks of three specific areas of support that we should make use of, if we are, in any way, going to win this war.
Lets look at the first of these, Paul's instructions to the children. Paul suggests a relationship between parents and children similar to that of God and the Christian. One of "obedience" and "honor". Obedience takes two forms, inward reverence and outward expression. This, Paul says, is right and natural and ordained of God. Then Paul quotes the 5th. commandment, "Honor your Father and Mother", as instructions to children. This is the first commandment with promise, and the promise is prosperity and long life. Obedience to our parents sets a pattern for other relationships which is always rewarding. Also, obedience usually means lack of adversity which certainly is good for our health and our relationship.
Now Paul says that we parents must be worthy of that obedience. We must not be
guilty of provoking our children. This does not mean that we are not to discipline
them, but even that must be pattern to the characteristics of the child and be done
in love. Show authority, in love, and the child will know that you care and are
concerned for them. Christian up-bringing is a blessing some kids never
Sincere Service
["Click here for Ephesians 6:5-9"]
The second weapon for use in this war is "dedicated" or "sincere" service. Paul describes this for us in verses 5 thou 9. There are at least six applications of this scripture:
While certainly this scripture can be helpful in all the above areas of our life, I would like to apply it to our relationship to God for it is in this area that we receive the most support in the war against evil.
In our service for the Lord, we should always examine our motive. Ask the
question, why are we involved in this service? Paul suggests that we should always
serve with "singleness of heart", being faithful and totally dedicated to the
Master. He also tells us that we should serve with "fear" and "trembling", showing
respect and reverence. Thirdly, we are to serve God from the heart. We are not to
be "crowd pleasers nor given to lip service, nor serving for show, simply being
good when someone is looking. If we render service with good will and be properly
motivated, serving from the heart, totally dedicated, we will receive the same from
the Lord. There will be a judgment of the Christian's works. He who serves as
Paul instructs, will receive a crown, others will find theirs burnt in the fire.
(I Cor. 3:15)
Paul suggests that this same type of behavior can be carried over in our
relationships with other people. If we are sincere and truthful in our
relationship to God, that same attitude will carry over in our relationships with
other people.
The Armor of God
["Click here for Ephesians 6:10-20"]
The third support in our war against evil is the "Armor of God". Paul says, as part of the Bride of Christ, as members of His Church, after we do what we can to imitate God, after we strive to walk in His light, after we love and submit to our spouses, after we love and honor our parents, after we establish a sincere and dedicated service, after we do all of this, we are in a heap of trouble, for we are now on the Lord's side and Satan will start on you like you won't believe. But Paul says, there is a defense, an armor that we can put on for our protection and we must put on the whole armor if we are going to be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.
Surly we must know by now that we, in our own strength, are no match for the Devil, but thanks be to God, our victory is through Christ. First, notice the enemy. He is not a human being. He had powers beyond that which we can conceive. He has methods and arguments that are unbeatable in our strength and realistic by human understanding. He attacks at all levels of life. He works through all avenues of life. He works through powerful leaders of nations through out the world and we can spot these for the most part but the ones that claim the most victims are those who hold high places in the church. They deceive us spiritually. They are the "false teachers", they will be those we a warned about in Revelation, called the "Anti-christ", and they will come from within the church. Spiritual wickedness in high places. These wicked ones will try to take away the joy and hope of our salvation. The best defense for this is knowing the word of God from which we acquire a strong faith and a knowledge of our salvation.
So Paul says we must put on the whole armor of God. It is our best defense. The Romans had a weak spot in their armor, it was on their sides, and so they stood shoulder to shoulder when they fought. Achilles had a weak spot in his armor, it was his heal. But we have no weak spots in our armor if we put on the whole armor of God.
There are 7 pieces of God's armor. Each must be put on properly for each serves a separate function. Let us identify and see the function of each piece of this armor:
Then Paul gives these instructions concerning prayer:
Paul again reminds them that he is in Rome and in chains, but never the less, still
in a position to witness for Jesus Christ. Even though he was a prisoner, he spoke
boldly without fear.
The Conclusion
["Click here for Ephesians 6:21-24"]
In the conclusion of this letter, we see that Paul sends the letter by way of a man named Tychicus. We wrote of what we know about this man in the fourth paragraph on page 2. Paul also used him to deliver the letter to the Colossians. Tychicus is mentioned in Acts chapter 29 as having accompanied Paul on part of one of Paul's missionary journeys. Notice that in both cases that his job was not just to deliver the letter, he was also to inform them how Paul was doing there in Rome. Paul felt that this man could relay so much more about his condition than he was able to write. Also Tychicus could dispel their fears and encourage their hearts. He had a big job but I am sure the Lord was with him.
Paul ends the letter with a benediction. "Peace and love with faith." This was Paul's sincere hope for all Christians. Real joy comes only through peace, and peace can come through faith, even when the world seems to be falling down around you. Love and faith comes by Grace, a gift of God, through Jesus Christ. Paul. here, describes love as "undying", "eternal", "without end", that's God's love for you and I.
So that's six chapters of a "love letter" that Paul wrote to the Ephesians and others, and the "key" word was "Wonderful".
I hope that this little dissertation has brought you to a better understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your responsibilities to His ministry.
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