Chapter 18 deals with Moses and his family affairs. It is believed that Moses sent his wife, Zipporah, and his sons back to their home in Midian in Chapter 4 when his wife circumcised the boys and called her husband, "a bridegroom of blood". They had been separated since then. It would appear that word had gotten back to Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, about all that had taken place, and Jethro decides that it is time for the family to get back together.
Word got to Moses that Jethro was coming and bringing his family with him so he goes out to meet him. After due greetings, Moses told Jethro all that God had done in his life since he had seen him last. Jethro phrased the Lord and offered a burnt sacrifice to God. Then he had a meal prepared and Moses, Aaron and the Elders of Israel came and dined with him.
The next day was a day of counseling for Moses and Jethro observed the long lines of people patiently waiting for their turn to have Moses settle their disputes. This situation was very disturbing to Jethro; he found it unfair to God, to Moses and to the people. It was an impossible task for one man and the work just wasn't getting done.
He made the following suggestion. Divide the people into groups of 1,000. Select a Judge for each group of 1,000. Then select 10 Judges for each one of the above Judges who would be responsible 100 people. Should the job still be to great, each of the 10 would have a Judge under him in charge of 50 people. This set up a Judicial System of Courts. Moses would still be the supreme Judge and would handle any cases that the others could not resolve or any great matter that might come up.
The suggestion sounded good to Moses and he did as his father-in-law suggested and chose men who feared God, were trust worthy and would not take a bribe. He assembled them and taught them the statutes of God that they might judge rightly. Then Jethro departed and went back to his own country of Midian.
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