Chapter 19 records Gods contact with Moses "in due time". They leave Rephidim and go to Mt. Sinai a distance of about 30 miles. They encamped at the foot of the mountain. Then Moses went up upon the top of the mountain and the Lord told Moses to tell the people that they had seen what He had done to the Egyptians and they had seen how He had brought them out of Egypt and now He wanted to make a covenant with them. If they obeyed His voice and kept His commandments He would make them His people and make of them a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.
So Moses called the Elders of the people together and told them what the Lord had said and they answered, "All that the Lord has spoken, we will do."
Then the Lord told Moses to tell the people to prepare themselves for He was coming down upon the mountain to speak to them. They were told to consecrate themselves, wash their garments and not go near a woman. On the morning of the third day, thunder, lightening and a thick cloud appeared upon the mountain. There was a loud trumpet sound and the people trembled. The Lord spoke to Moses and told him to warn the people not to come up on the mountain else they would perish. He told Moses to set bounds for them.
Then He told Moses to go down and bring up Aaron with him but not the priests or the people. Moses did as the Lord commanded him.
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