Genesis Introduction

Genesis is the Greek title for the first book of the Bible. "Bere-shith" is the Hebrew title. "Liber" is the Latin title. Literally, the name means:

  1. In the Beginning.
  2. Origin.
  3. The Book of Generations.
  4. The Book of Births.
  5. The Book of Beginnings.

Author: Even though the book of Genesis ends some 300 years before the birth of Moses, all evidence points to Moses as the one who collected by word of mouth and by inspiration of God, all that is recorded here. It is believed to have been written in some form by Moses during the 40 years of wandering in the Wilderness.

As a book of beginnings it records the following:

  1. The Beginning of the Universe.
  2. The Beginning of Man.
  3. The Beginning of the Sabbath.
  4. The Beginning of Marriage.
  5. The Beginning of Sin.
  6. The Beginning of Sacrifices.
  7. The Beginning of Salvation (covering).
  8. The Beginning of the Family.
  9. The Beginning of Civilization.
  10. The Beginning of Government.
  11. The Beginning of Nations.
  12. The Beginning of Israel.

All history of the "beginnings" led to Israel. All history of Israel lead to God's Salvation. The theme of Genesis is "God's choice of a nation through whom He would bless all nations".

A Study of the Book of Genesis

Creation Continued2
Fall of Man3
Cain and Able4
Generations of Adam5
Noah's Ark6
The Flood7
The Flood Subsided8
God's Covenant with Noah9
Generations of Noah10
The Tower of Babel11
The Call of Abram12
Abram and Lot Seperate13
Lot Kidnapped14
God's Covenant with Abram15
Hagar and Ishmael16
God's Covenant with Abraham17
Sarah Laugh's and Abraham Pleas18
God Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah19
Abraham in Gerar20
Isaac is Born21
God Tests Abraham22
The Death of Sarah23
A Wife for Isaac24
The Death of Abraham25
Isaac Goes to Gerar26
Jacob Deceives Isaac27
Jacob's Ladder28
Jacob and Rachel29
Jacob Bargans with Laban30
Jacob Leaves Laban31
Jacob's name becomes Israel32
Jacob Meets Esau33
Dinah Avenged34
Jacob Goes to Bethel35
Descendants of Esau36
Joseph Sold Into Slavery37
Judah and Tamar38
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife39
Joseph The Interpreter of Dreams40
Pharaoh's Dream41
Joseph and His Brothers42
Benjamin in Trouble44
Joseph Declares His Identity45
Descendants of Israel46
They Settle in Goshen47
Joseph's Sons48
Jacob's Farewell49
Jacob and Joseph Die50

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