Before we get into this account, lets look at what we can find out about Mary. We believe that she was of the linage of David (Luke 1:32) She had one sister, Salome, the wife of Zebedee, mother of James and John. She was related (cousin) to Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist.
It was during her betrothal to Joseph, a period that usually lasted one year, that Mary was made aware of this favored position, chosen of God to be the mother of the promised Messiah. Notice it is the Angel Gabriel that is used again to announce another birth. Just 6 months before, he had appeared to Zacharias to tell him that he and his wife Elizabeth were to have a child. This is two of the three appearances in the Bible that the Angel Gabriel makes, the other one was to Daniel.
Notice these two families held great honor before God. The House of Aaron, of whom Zacharias was a descendant and the House of David, of whom Mary and Joseph were descendants. Zacharias and Elizabeth were the parents of John the Baptist when they were both quite old.
So the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary and says, "Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you." "Do not be afraid." "You have conceived and will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus." We will study Joseph's reaction to this in the next lesson.
Now, what were Mary's credentials for this fulfillment of scripture?
Notice Mary's question of Gabriel when she hears his announcement. "How can this be?" Mary is well aware of the prophesies concerning the promised Messiah but even so, she was a virgin, she had never known a man, how could she be with child? Gabriel explains that she had conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and to assure her, he tells her about her cousin Elizabeth, who had conceived in her old age, surly all things are possible with God. I am sure Mary had many more questions in her heart but she contented herself in the will of God, believing where she could not understand.
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