We conclude this study of the Sermon on the Mount with a comparison of a true Christian and one that is a Christian in name only. Three comparisons are made here:
Lets look at the first of these, the profession of faith. Outward profession of faith, however remarkable, will not take us to Heaven unless there is a corresponding conversion. "Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This is a un-debatable fact laid down by Christ. Christ warns that "lip service" is not enough. Intellectual approach to religion is not enough unless it leads to a changed heart. Saying and doing are often two different things. Even what often appears as a "changed heart", is false. Many will prophecy in the name of the Lord, but so did Balaam and Caiaphas and they certainly weren't sent of God. Even the Apostle Paul when he was Saul, before his conversion, prophesied, but he certainly was not of God at a time when he was out to kill Christians. It appears that some even cast out devils and did many other wonderful works, but so did Judas. Yes, grace and love are a more excellent way, more excellent sometimes, than moving mountains or speaking in tongues. Faith will bring a person to Heaven without working miracles, but working miracles, without faith, will not do it. "So, depart from me," the Lord says, "I never knew you." This is so important and unfortunately, so little stressed. If we are to inherit eternal life with the Lord, we must know Him and He must know us.
Now, lets look at the second one of these three comparisons, obedience to God's commandments. Christ here stresses that the "hearing" of the commandments it not enough, we must also do them. "Hearing" is a gift of God, many cannot even do that. IN chapter 13 of Matthew's Gospel, it says, "Blessed are those who can "hear" with their ears." What about those who hear the commandments but do not do them? Here Christ compares the two, those who hear and do and those who hear and do not do. He compares them to two builders, each building fine homes. The difference is that one builds on a good foundation and the other does not. All of who are Christians should be building, growing in Grace, growing in Sanctification. Wouldn't it be awful to find out that we had built on "sand" instead of "stone"? How firm a foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord. Unless Christ is the "Rock" upon which we build, we build for naught.
The third of these comparisons deals with the "impact" that the words of Christ had on people. Here we are told that His words had a great impact not only on the Disciples, but on the multitudes also. "They were astonished at His doctrine." Obviously they were not converted but at least they went away "wondering". They were astonished because He taught them as one having authority. Christ not only taught but to some He gave understanding.
Thus ends our study on the Sermon on the Mount.
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