This is a familiar story for the calming of the sea. We will look primarily at Mark's account as it is more complete.
Note when it occurred. The evening of the day that Jesus spoke the parables which we just studied. It was evening and Jesus had been teaching all day. He was weary from His labors. Instead of seeking out a place to rest that was quiet and peaceful, He chose rather a place of turmoil, for even in His time of rest, He continued the teaching of the Disciples. The lesson He was about to teach them was a very important one. This was the first time that He had tested their faith.
But that was not the only reason that He chose to remain in the boat. He wanted to go to the city of Gergesa, which was across the Sea of Galilee, so this mode of transportation offered rest as well as a means of getting there. Jesus never wasted time. Everything He did had at least one purpose.
The third thing of note is that He did not put out to sea until the multitude had been taken care of. All questions had to be answered and all requests had to be filled, for He would have none of them go home and complain that He had not met their needs.
The fourth thing of note is that they took Him as He was. He had no coat or blanket to keep Him from the chill of the night on the sea. Perhaps this to was a lesson for the Disciples and for us, not to so concerned about comforts in this world.
The fifth item of note was the storm that arose. The waves that became so high that they came over the sides of the boat and it started to fill up with water. Mark makes note that there were other boats with them also and they to began to take on water. They all shared the same danger.
The sixth thing of note in this account is that Jesus had laid down and gone asleep at the stern of the ship, sometimes called the helm or pilots place. The writer of Psalms says, "When He sleeps, He does not sleep, the Keeper of Israel does not so much as slumber." He was so relaxed during this storm that He went to sleep for this act of nature was something that He could take care of. He was more concerned about their faith.
The seventh thing of note is the comments of the Disciples as the storm worsens and their plight seems hopeless. First, they encourage themselves with the fact that Jesus is with them even though He is asleep. The ship that had the Master in it even though it may get tossed around, cannot sink. But soon, this is not enough, their faith weakens, prayer takes over and though we may be at our "wits end", we may not be at our faiths end when we resort to prayer, for He is often awaken by our prayers just as He was here by theirs. Notice the question that they pose to him, recorded only in Mark's Gospel, "Master, do you not care if we parish?" Now this seems to us to be a rather harsh question considering how He had met their every need up to this point. It almost sounds as though they were reprimanding Him for sleeping. Perhaps their concern was not only for themselves but for Him also.
The eighth item of note was the way that Jesus calmed the sea. It was done by "Word of Command". "Peace, be silent, be still." Isaiah says, "When our wicked hearts are like the troubled sea which cannot rest, let us hear the Law of Christ saying, "Be silent, be still." This should be a comfort to us that when the storms of life become rough, Christ, with a word, can calm them.
The ninth item is His reproof of the Disciples. "Why were you afraid, ye of little faith?" Notice that He did not say that they were without faith, but rather that they lacked the faith necessary to have peace of mind during a storm.
Lastly, we must note the impression that this miracle had upon the Disciples. Matthew says that they "marveled", Mark says, "they feared greatly". They had feared the winds and the storm but now they feared even more Him that had the power to still the winds and calm the storm. "What manner of man is this?" Obviously they, at that point, had not comprehended the nature and power of Christ in spite of His many miracles.
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