We will primarily be using Matthew's account. It would appear that Jesus was still at Capernaum and some Scribes and Pharisees came there to ask questions and perhaps to entrap Him. Notice the question that they put to Jesus. "Why do your Disciples transgress the tradition of the Elders?" First, lets find out what was the tradition of the Elders. They were teachings handed down by the Elders, not necessarily backed by scripture. The one in question at this time was the washing of hands before they ate. This was a ceremonial act not an act of cleansing. This was a natural thing for Jews to do and certainly the Disciples, a few months before, would have done this, but already the teachings of Christ, sincerity versus habit, was replacing the ritual and tradition of old.
Notice Jesus answers their question by asking them a question. "Why do you transgress the Law of God for the sake of your tradition?" He was speaking of the Law that said that they should honor their father and their mother. The sum of a child's duty to his parents is included in this commandment.
Now lets see what the Scribes and Pharisees were doing in contradiction to this law for their own profit. They were doing two things.
So by giving to the Temple they were relieved of caring for their children or their parents. This was typical of the way that the Scribes and Pharisees misused their office, things that through time, became a tradition. Is it any wonder that Jesus refers to them as "hypocrites". Isaiah spoke well of them when he said, "This people honors me with their lips but their hearts are far from me." Jesus applied this to the religious leaders of His day. "Lip service, creature comforts, big show, vain worship and repeated meaningless statements."
After condemning the Scribes and Pharisees, He turns to the people and still speaking about their question concerning the Disciples not washing their hands says, "Hear and understand, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but rather that which comes out of the mouth." Jesus was trying to get them to understand that the tradition of the washing of the hands had nothing to do with food being "kosher". Mark says in chapter 7, verse 19, "Thus Jesus declared al food to be spiritually clean." We are not condemned by what we eat but by what we speak.
Now note that the Disciples are disturbed and say to Jesus, "Don't you know that you have offended the Scribes and Pharisees?" We must remind ourselves that up to this time, Jesus had not confronted the Scribes and Pharisees and had "down played" His nature and mission for the sake of more time to teach the Disciples. Now, going on the offensive, the Disciples were somewhat puzzled.
Christ explains to them that which is not of God will be eliminated. "Every plant which the Heavenly Father has not planted, will be routed out." Every word, every tradition, every religion, every doctrine that is not of God will be done away with at the harvest. How can we know what is of God? "By their fruits shall yea know them." Just leave them alone, Jesus told them, for they are like blind guides. They are grossly ignorant in the things of God and yet are proud. Both they, and those they lead will fall into a pit.
Thus having disposed of the Scribes and Pharisees, Jesus turns his attention to Peter who was still thinking about what Jesus had said concerning that which defiles a man. Not understanding, Peter asked Jesus to explain it, to which Jesus said to Peter, "Are you also without understanding?" But then He does attempt to explain to Peter what He meant. There is nothing about food itself that defiles a man, when used in moderation. What God has created is good. So we a free to eat without fear of being religiously unclean. But, that which comes out of the mouth, the "corrupt fountain" as it is often called, that can defile a man. Words in and of themselves, are evil only when spoken from an evil heart.
Six evils are specifically mentioned. Evil thoughts, murder, adultery, thefts, false witness and blasphemies. These are the things that defile a man.
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