Jesus had just been condemned by the religious leaders for casting out a demon from a man which gave him the ability to talk. Some, to test Him, had asked for a sign from heaven. Here Jesus tells them that no sign will be given accept the sign of Jonah.
Two things are given us here in these verses. One, the sign that we can expect from God for the conformation of our faith, and, two, the sign that God expects from us as the evidence of our faith.
Lets look at the first of these things. First He condemned them for demanding signs other than that which He had already given them. Many had witnessed and most had heard about the many miracles that He had done. They came hoping to be entertained rather than be spiritually enlightened. Thus Jesus called them an evil generation. Yet Jesus did promise them a sign, different than any that had yet been given. It was the "sign of Jonah". This sign spoke of the resurrection of Jesus. Just as Jonah had been in the belly of the fish for three days so shall the Son of Man be. And, as Jonah preached salvation to the Ninevites and they repented and were saved, so shall the Gospel be preached and all who repent shall be saved.
Then a warning is given here. If they do not repent, the Queen of Sheba will rise up in judgment against them. The Queen of Sheba, a pagan foreigner came with all her prejudices, yet she acknowledged the wisdom of God that Solomon possessed, to her credit. But I tell you that one greater than Solomon is here and yet these wicked and hard hearted Jews would give Him no regard. Even the Ninevites would rise up against them for they repented at the reluctant preaching of Jonah and these people would not repent at the preaching that was far greater than Jonah's.
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