He is Mocked by the Soldiers

["Click here for Matthew's account"]
["Click here for Mark's account"]
["Click here for John's account"]

We see the early hours of this Friday morning moving swiftly. In the past 3 or 4 hours, He had been tried before Annas, Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod and then back to Pilate where He was sentenced to death, scourged, crowned with thorns and continually abused.

With the sentence of Pilate, the Roman Guard took Jesus out on the Praetorium where He was met by a Battalion of Roman Soldiers, close to a thousand men. Notice the torment and punishment that Jesus took from these soldiers.

  1. They stripped Him of His cloths and shamed Him.
  2. They wiped Him. These soldiers were not limited by Jewish Law to 40 minus 1 stripes. The wiped Him to within an inch of His life.
  3. They put upon His head a crown of thorns. The thorns tore into into His flesh and had a natural substance on them that added to the pain.
  4. They put a "reed" into His right hand. The weaving and weak reed signified the weak and worthless kingdom they thought He would establish.
  5. They put a red robe upon Him.
  6. They mockingly bowed down before Him making jest of His Kingship.
  7. They spat upon Him and took a reed and struck Him on the head.

All this torment and pain He took VOLUNTARILY that He might purchase for us, forgiveness.

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