The Author's first warning to the Hebrew converts in Rome is good for us to take note of also. Note: "If we neglect such a great salvation, we shall receive a just retribution." Other translations call it a "just penalty or punishment". Remember, the author is speaking of people who have accepted Christ but have drifted away, or backslid. People drift away from their commitment to Christ for many reasons. Pressures of family or job and even bickering in church cause many to stop coming and drift away. But it would appear that these people were doing this to escape persecution. The persecution of Christians in Rome started out as simply social persecution but eventually it turned to condemnation of death to all Christians.
To help these people, the Author tries to show them that Christ is able to meet their needs and to show them that He is vastly superior to whatever they were seeking refuge in. He does this by showing the superiority of Christ's nature and His name. Notice who He was. He was the "Son of God". He was the "Second Person" of the Trinity. He was God. Therefore, His nature was divine. Thus He was superior to the Angels. In Psalms it is written, "When God brings forth His first begotten into the world, let all the Angels of God worship Him." Matthew Henry says that all who are superior to men, as inferior to Christ in nature and power. So if the message declared by the Angels was valid, how much more was the message of Christ.
Notice this first warning, "If we neglect such a great salvation, we will receive a just retribution." What does that mean? First, let us define the word "neglect". It is used here the same way we would use it to define some ones lack of care and attention to the home or car or any other possession. Our salvation needs constant attention if it is to be for us all that it can be here on this earth. You cannot loose it, but you can loose the joy of it. You can loose the witness of it. You can loose the comfort of it. The lost of these is the "just retribution" that the Author is warning about. The Author warns that every transgression shall receive a just retribution. Please remember that the Author is speaking to Christian believers. The only retribution to non-believers is eternal separation from God (hell).
So, how can we come to know Christ and His salvation? The Author lists four ways that the Lord uses to bring salvation to peoples attention.
Personal testimony it used by the Lord to enlighten people so that they may know of
their lost condition and be aware that God has designed, in Christ, a means of
escaping the judgment for that lost condition. In Matthew 4:24 it says that, by
word of mouth, His fame spread through out all Syria. In Luke 7:11 it says that
word spread through out all Judea that God had visited His people.
So they were warned and we are warned about judgment. Without salvation, we are
lost and will receive a just judgment. With salvation, if we neglect it, we will
receive a just retribution. So the Author has established the deity of Christ, His
plan of salvation and the judgment if we neglect it and now he will establish the
"humanity" of Christ.
Over the Angels, His Humanity
["Click here for Hebrews 2:5-18"]
Notice in these verses that two false teachings that were widely circulated at that time, are dealt with.
So to accomplish this atonement, it became necessary for God to become a man, capable of being tempted and suffering as a human being. Here, in these verses, the Author lists 5 reasons why Christ assumed a "human nature".
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