Paul, for three years, had preached and sustained the church at Corinth with his presence. When he left, about four years ago, he left them well versed in the Gospel, well founded in the truth and in their enthusiasm, reasonably free from their past sins. Now, according to what he had heard, there was sin of a kind found only among heathen. He condemns their sin and attempts to set them on the right path again. Much of what Paul had heard he received second handed so he was lenient in his judgment.
But now Paul was planning another visit. This time he was laying down certain
ground rules before he arrived. One, this time I will not spare those who I find
in sin. Christ is not weak in dealing with you, neither will I be. Second, any
charge must be sustained by the evidence of two or three witnesses. No "hear-say"
evidence will be allowed. A good rule for all to follow.
Judge Yourselves Less You Be Judged
["Click here for II Corinthians 13:5-10"]
"Judge yourselves, Corinthians, so I won't have to judge you." "Examine and test
yourselves." Is Christ in you? Are you holding the faith? Paul wants to know,
was what he heard about them, true? He hoped that it was wrong, he prayed that it
was wrong. He would love to hear that it was he who was weak and lacked faith in
them and that they were strong. "Either way, our constant prayer is for your
improvement so that when I come I will not have to be severe in the use of the
authority which the Lord has given me." Given to Paul for the up-building of the
The Goodbyes
["Click here for II Corinthians 13:11-14"]
Finally, Paul sums up his letter with these instructions:
If you do this, the God of love and peace will be with you.
"Greet one another with a 'Holy Kiss'." The kiss was a sacred rite in the early church. It was used to signify that you had not contracted any disease of impurity and that you believed the same of the one you kissed. As the church degenerated, this rite was stopped.
Then Paul closed with his usual benediction, "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." Grace, Love and Fellowship, joys only Christians can share.
Second Corinthians, Paul's defense of his credentials and instructions to a "back-slidden" church.
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