
We need to establish, first, what we want to accomplish with this study. If we do not seek to accomplish something, than nothing is what we are going to get. I would like to see us strive for the following goals:

  1. Memorize the books of the Bible.
  2. Learn the major theme of each book.
  3. Learn the central message.
  4. Learn the key verses.
  5. Learn how each book is organized.
  6. Learn how it came into being.
  7. Learn it's roll in the "Bible Story".
  8. Learn the step by step progressive revelation of God's will and His plan of redemption from Genesis to Revelation, 66 books, 40 authors, covering approximately 4,000 years.
  9. Establish a time for study each week and be faithful in the observance of it.
  10. Read the assigned portion of scripture each week.
  11. Take notes and review them often.
  12. Make notes in your Bible, i.e. cross reference, underline key verses that are meaningful to you.
  13. Always begin your study with prayer.
  14. Always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This may be the hardest and most challenging study that you have ever attempted. Please do not attempt it in your own strength, but claim the promise of scripture that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you in the study of God's word. Note the following references:

We need to maintain a schedule of study that is practical for us as students. With these instructions and goals in mind, let us proceed with the first lesson.

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