Charges Given to Israel

Click here to read Isaiah 56.

Third Isaiah, Chapters 56 thru 66, covers a period of history in the 5th. Century BC during Nehemiah's return to Jerusalem. It is a collection of many moods and teachings. Their whole attitude about other people had changed. The "exile" had broken their "isolationism". Now they included the people around them in their missionary zeal. We do see, however, the continued enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans in that the Samaritans were not allowed to help in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

Third Isaiah is less spiritual than the others and it is more concerned with externals than it is with religion (works versus faith).

Chapter 56 begins a series of charges given to the people of Israel concerning their nation. First, encouragement was to be given to "strangers" (proselytes) who were willing to come under the bonds of the Covenant. Secondly, a warning was given to those who would guard the nation of Israel that there would be those who would come and devour them and take away their nation as the Syrians had done, probably prophesying the coming of the Romans some 450 years later. Thus the word of God is given not only for comfort and instruction but also for conviction.

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