Chapter 5 continues the "hounding" of Job by his friends with Eli-phaz expounding the "accepted doctrine" of the day, i.e. "The sin of sinners is their ruin." "Affliction is the common lot of mankind." "When we are afflicted, it is our duty to appeal to God for He is able and ready to help us." "The afflictions that are borne well, end well." He strongly urged Job to confess his sins and assured him that God would have mercy upon him.
Now lets look a little deeper into these "enlightened" words. Notice that Eliphaz invited Job to choose a Saint or arbitrator for his cause, "Call now if there is any that will answer you." Paul says in 1st. Cor. 6:1, "The Saints shall judge the world." Secondly, Eliphaz gets philosophical. "Envy rottens the bones." "Wrath kills the foolish man." "Stupid is he who argues with God." All of these he thinks Job had committed since the affliction hit him, compounded by whatever other big sins he had committed before that, and then, as though he could read Job's mind, he explains Job's previous condition this way. "You, like other sinners, prosper for a while, seem well fixed and secure in your prosperity, but, like yourself, all this comes to an end" "There is a curse on the house of the wicked."
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