Job Replies to Bildad

Click here to read Job 9.

Chapter 9 records Job's answer to Bildad. Notice that in spite of the condemnation of his friends, he still speaks honorably of them. He also speaks well of God and allows that it is His prerogative to give and to take away, but he still believes in the justice of God. He condemns himself only for not being able to understand what was happening to him. He expressed his belief that you could not judge a man by his outward condition. He admitted he was at a loss as to what to say or do.

A closer look a Job's assessment of his position before God:

  1. First, Job acknowledges that what Bildad said, about God's justice upon the wicked, appeared to be so, but in this case, he did not feel that it was true which left him feeling totally helpless.
  2. He asked, what recourse does man have with God? Who ever opposed Him successfully?
  3. God does incredible miracles, who can stop Him?
  4. Job believes that even if he was sinless, God would find fault.
  5. Innocent or evil, it is all the same to God.
  6. He concludes with this assessment, "If I decided to forget everything and end my sadness, He would only pour out greater sorrow upon me."

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