Job Replies to Zophar

Click here to read Job 12.

Chapter 12 records Job's answer to Zophar. First, he condemns their judgment of him. Then he contradicts their reasoning that the wicked are penalized in this world, but he does agree with their assessment of God's wisdom, power and sovereignty.

Notice the "sarcasm" in Job's voice as he answers Zophar (re: The Living Bible):

  1. "Yes, I realize you know everything."
  2. "All wisdom will die when you die."
  3. "Well I know a few things myself."

It appears that Job finds himself the laughing stock of his neighbors. He believes that even the dumbest beast knows as much as his friends do. True, older men were "supposed" to know more but true wisdom belonged to God. "He makes fools of councilors, He makes slaves of kings, He raises up a nation and then destroys it." Thus we have Job's assessment of his friends and his God.

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