Chapter 17 shows Job reflecting upon the harsh judgments of his friends and viewing himself as a dying man. He begs God to be his advocate and defend him before his friends because he did not know how to defend himself. He hoped that his horrible loss would not be a "stumbling block" to other good people.
"I am sick and near death, the grave is ready to receive me." "I am surrounded by mockers." " God has made me a mockery among my people." "My eyes are dim from weeping and I am but a shadow of my former self." "Yet I believe that the righteous shall come out on top, those with pure hearts shall move onward." "As for you, my friends, please go away, I do not find a wise man among you." "My hopes have disappeared, my heart is broken." "You say that night is day and day is night, you have perverted the truth." "If I die, I will go into darkness, the grave will be my father and the worm, my mother."
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