Job Replies to Zophar

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Chapter 21 records Job's reply to Zophar. Here Job shows understanding that few men had in those days. He declares that whether prosperity was sufficient to prove sincerity to God or whether lack of it was sufficient to prove wickedness, he did not know, but he believed that the destruction of the wicked was reserved for the next world. Indeed, showing an understanding of the "Gospel" 2,000 years before it was preached.

Notice how Job asks for some consideration. "Listen to me for a moment then when I get done you can continue mocking." "I just realized that I have been complaining about God." "Horrow takes hold of me when I think about it but the truth is that the wicked often live on to an old age and become great and powerful." "All this in spite of the fact that they wanted no part of God or His ways." "Who is God?" " Why should we obey Him?" "What good will it do?" "Look, everything the wicked touches turns to gold." "God seems to skip them when He distributes His anger." "Well you may say that at least God will punish his children, but I say, punish the man who sins, not his children." "Let him who sins drink deeply of the anger of the Almighty." Actually, who can rebuke God, for he destroys the healthy, the wealthy, the fat and prosperous?"

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