Prophesies Concerning Nineveh

Click here to read Nahum 2.

Chapter 2 foretells four things:

  1. The destruction of the city of Nineveh.
  2. The capture of the Queen.
  3. The seizing of all its wealth.
  4. The reason God had ordered this destruction.

All of this was fulfilled when Nabuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, in approx. 612 B.C. in alliance with the Medes, conquered Nineveh and took over the Assyrian Empire.

Prophesied here is the total destruction of the city of Nineveh the Capitol of Assyria. Described is the greatness of the army that will destroy them. Chariots shall rage in the streets, there will be so many that they will jostle against one another. Hazzab, the Queen, shall be led away captive. The Palace shall be destroyed. All the gold and silver and any furnishings of worth, shall be taken.

Why did God order this? Because of their destruction of Judah and Israel. The Assyrians had destroyed the land and made captive the people of Israel and Judah.

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