The Dedication of the Walls

Click here to read Nehemiah 12.

Chapter 12 contains 6 items of record:

  1. The names of 22 priests and 8 Levites that came from Babylon with Zerubbabel.
  2. The succession of the High Priest, 20 in all.
  3. The names of the next generation of Chief Priests, 20 in all.
  4. The important Levites of Nehemiah's time.
  5. The dedication of the wall of Jerusalem. All the Levites, the choir members, the band members, all came to Jerusalem. The Priests than dedicated themselves, then the people, the gates and finally, the wall. Then Nehemiah led the Leaders of the people to the top of the wall. He divided them up into two groups. One group, led by Ezra, went south from the Tower of Furnaces, over the Valley Gate and the Dung Gate to the Fountain Gate, continuing on to the Water Gate on the east side. The other group, led by Nehemiah, went north from the Tower of Furnaces, over the Ephraim Gate, the Old Gate, the Fish Gate and continued on thru the Tower of Hananeel, over the Sheep Gate to the Muster Gate. Notice there was a section of wall on the east side over which neither group went and that was from the Muster Gate to the Water Gate, on the east side. Both groups then descended from the wall and went to the Temple where they played instruments and sang loudly.
  6. The establishment of the offices of Priest and Levites in the Temple. Established was those who were in charge of the treasury, the offerings, the tithes, the first fruits, the assistants to the Priests and Levites, the means of living for the choir members, gate keepers and other Levites.

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