Numbers Introduction

Numbers means, twice numbered. The generation that left Egypt was numbered at Mt. Sinai, Numbers chapter 1, and generation that grew up in the wilderness, was numbered at the Plain of Moab, Numbers chapter 26. (See Chapter 26 for a comparison of these two censuses.)

Other names given to the book:

  1. The Book of Wanderings, from Sinai to Moab.
  2. The Book of Murmurings, continued complaining by the Israelites.
  3. The Fourth Book of Moses.

Its a story of a 11 day journey that took 40 years. The story begins one year after they had left Egypt, about 1276 BC. It tells of the painful consequences of unbelief and disobedience. It is a record of the wanderings of 2" million people, a moving settlement that covered 3 to 4 square miles. The miracle of it all was that they neither sowed nor did they reap yet God fed and watered them, looked after and supplied them leaders for 40 years, even preserved their clothing. The story ends about 1236 BC., at the banks of the Jordan River opposite Jericho.

The lesson it teaches is that we must trust God before we can possess any of His blessings. The Israelites did not trust God. In chapter 14, we see the turning point of the book. For 40 days they spied out the Promise Land afraid to go in and possess it because they did not trust God to deliver it to them. So God brought judgment upon them. One year for each day or 40 years. "Forty years you shall know my rejection."

There are 6 clear references to Christ in the book of Numbers.

  1. The bronze serpent on the stake. John 3:14, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up."
  2. The rock that quenched the thirst of the Israelites. I Cor. 10:4, "We drink of a Spiritual Rock, and that Rock is Christ."
  3. The daily manna. John 3:31, "Christ is the bread of life that comes down from heaven."
  4. Balaam foresaw Christ. Num. 24:17, "I see Him, but not now, I behold him, but not near." "A star shall come out of Jacob, a scepter shall rise out of Israel."
  5. The pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. This was symbolic of the guidance and presence of Christ.
  6. The six cities of refuge. This was symbolic of the protection and preservation of those who are in Christ.

We can see Gods plan for Israel in these first four books.

  1. In Genesis, God chose them.
  2. In Exodus, God redeemed them.
  3. In Leviticus, God sanctified them.
  4. In Numbers, God instructed them.

We are going to divide Numbers into four lessons:

  1. Lesson 10, The Introduction.
  2. Lesson 11, The Old Generation, Chapters 1 through 14.
  3. Lesson 12, The Tragic Transition, Chapters 15 through 20.
  4. Lesson 13, The New Generation, Chapters 21 through 36.

A Study of the Book of Numbers

The Kingdom of Israel1
Tribe Assignments2
Tribe of Levi Assignments3
Tribe of Levi Assignments Continued4
Social Laws5
The Vow of the Nazirite6
The Dedication and Transportation of the Tabernacle7
Ordination of the Levites8
Ordination of the Passover9
Departure from Mount Sinai10
Quail Replaces Manna11
Family Problems12
Judgment for Lack of Faith14
Further Instructions in Transition15
Rebellion Against Moses16
Problems Concerning the Priesthood17
Instructions to Aaron18
Purification Rites19
Return to Kadesh-Barnea20
Efforts to Possess Canaan21
Balaam Called Again22
Balaam Visits Moab23
Balaam's Prophecy24
Balak's Revenge25
The Second Census26
Joshua's Ordination27
Instructions on Five Offerings28
Instructions on Three Offerings29
Laws Concerning Vows30
Revenge Upon the Midianites31
The First Distribution of Land32
Looking Back Then Looking Forward33
Canaan Defined34
Assignment of Cities35
The Daughters of Zeolfehad36

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