The Kingdom of Israel

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Chapter 1 deals with a formation of a Commonwealth or Kingdom of Israel with God as their King. The government was a Theocracy and Moses was their leader appointed by God.

For the organization of this Holy Nation, a count of its subjects had to be taken, so God ordered Moses to number the people. The Year, approx. 1275 B.C. The place, Mt. Sinai. The Laws in Leviticus were given in the first month of the second year out of Egypt. This order to number was given in the second month of the second year. "Count only the males, 20 and over, who are fit for war." They were to be registered according to tribe and according to family within the tribe. Registrars were named and Moses and Aaron were to preside. One man from each tribe was to assist. This time, the Tribe of Levi was not counted yet they still came up with over 600,000 men.

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