Tribe of Levi Assignments Continued

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Chapter 4 continues with these assignments by establishing age requirements. They all served from age 30 to age 50. It has been suggested that this might be why Jesus did not enter into His ministry until age 30. John the Baptist observed this rule also. At age 25, they started a 5-year probation period. At age 50, they were discharged, presumably because of the physical nature of the work of erecting and dismantling the Tabernacle.

More specific duties are here described. Aaron and his sons were to prepare the furnishings within the Tabernacle for transporting before the Levites came in. The Veil at the door into the Holy of Holies was to be taken down and laid over the Ark of the Covenant. Then a leather carrying case would be put over the Ark and the carrying poles inserted.

The Table of the Bread of the Presence would likewise be prepared for carrying. The Lamp stand, the Alter would also be encased in leather and prepared for carrying. When Aaron and his sons had finished this, the Levites (Kohaths) would come in and transport them to the next place of encampment. This would be under the direction of Aaron with extreme care taken so that none of the Levites touched anything Holy less they die.

Of interest in the assignment of duties was the following: Gershom, the oldest, did not receive the choice duties of service but rather duties of labor in dismantling and assembling the Tabernacle. The choice duties were assigned to Kohath, the handling of the sacred parts of the Tabernacle. The Merarites were assigned the transporting of the heaviest parts. Physical condition appears to be reasoning behind these assignments.

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