Family Problems

Click here to read Numbers 12.

Chapter 12 deals with family problems. It was recorded to show us that even the best of families, in this case Moses' family, have their "graces" and "crosses to bear. Moses' brother, Aaron, and his sister, Miriam, not only try his patience but they also, out of jealousy, create problems for him.

  1. They were angry because they were not consulted in the selection of the 70 elders.
  2. They didn't like his wife Zipporah. Never did, never would. She had too much influence on Moses for an Egyptian.
  3. They were angry because the Lord seemed to speak only to Moses.

Moses ignored them but God did not. He showed His displeasure by removing the cloud from that portion of the Tabernacle where Aaron served and He caused Miriam to have leprosy. The people were disturbed by the absence of the cloud and they had Miriam removed from the camp because of her leprosy. Aaron confessed his deeds to Moses and begs his forgiveness. He also asks Moses to pray for his sisters healing. Moses prayed and his sister was healed and the cloud of the Presence of God, returned to the Tabernacle. With the return of the cloud and Mariam back in the camp, the journey began again.

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