Further Instructions, in Transition

Click here to read Numbers 15.

In these chapters we see the transition from the "old generation" that left Egypt to the "new generation" that was born along the way. In the last chapter, the Lord condemned the old generation because of their lack of faith, to die along the way and not enter the Promise Land. Only Caleb and Joshua were allowed to live through the 40 years and enter Canaan.

They leave Kadesh-Barnea and for 39 years they wander around the Sinai Peninsula and end up back at the Oasis of Kadesh-Barnea. Chapters 15 through 19 record what little we know about this 39-year period.

Chapter 15 records further instructions given to Moses concerning offerings they were to observe when they finally came to dwell in the Promise Land.

  1. Burnt Offerings, their means of atonement, must be an animal accompanied by a cereal offering.
  2. Cereal or Grain Offerings, must be presented to the Lord each year by making a loaf of bread. The bread would be waved back and forth before the Alter as a gesture of offering it to the Lord.
  3. If the whole nation of Israel accidentally forgets these offerings, they could be atoned for by the offering of one bull for a burnt offering and the usual cereal and drink offering.
  4. If just one individual forgets, one female goat could be offered for atonement.
  5. Should someone deliberately not make their offerings, it would be considered a blasphemy to Jehovah and they would be put to death.

The chapter ends with the story of a man caught gathering wood on the Sabbath. He was arrested and taken before the judge. Not knowing the Lord's judgment for this, they locked him up until it could be determined. The Lord's judgment was that he be stoned to death by the people.

It became clear that the people were going to need constant reminding of the Lord's commandments so the Lord ordered the people to attach tassels on the hems of their garments as a constant reminder. These tassels were still in use at the time of Jesus; only it appears that only the Pharisees wore them.

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