Instructions to Aaron

Click here to read Numbers 18.

Chapter 18 continues with the establishment of Aaron as the Chief Priest and the Tribe of Levi as the "Priestly Tribe". God instructed Aaron on the duties of his office and the assistance that he should get from the other Levites. He also instructed them on their wages and the means they were to use to acquire them.

God reminded Aaron that his family was responsible for the Tabernacle, therefore:

  1. They needed to guard against any desecration of it.
  2. This desecration could come either by themselves or by others.
  3. They were responsible to see to it that their kinsman, the Levites that were assigned to the Tabernacle, did their duties as commanded and that they touched nothing that was "holy".
  4. They were to be assured that if anyone, other than those who were assigned attempted these duties, they would surly die.
  5. All the gifts brought to the Tabernacle by the people belonged to him and his sons.
  6. Any food offered in sacrifice could be eaten by them but only by the males.
  7. All other "wave offerings" were for them and their families.
  8. All "first born" belonged to them, but they must not accept first-born sons, they were to be "ransomed" by their parents for 5 shekels of silver. This was to be done when they were one month old.
  9. Aaron was reminded that he and his sons could not own any property or have any income, however, the Levites could be paid for their services from the tithes from the people.
  10. No one other that than the priests and those Levites assigned to it would be allowed to enter the Tabernacle.
  11. The Levites would tithe whatever compensation they got for their duties and it would be considered just as the "first fruits" of Israel were considered.

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