Our Religion - in this World

Click here to read Proverbs 1.

Matthew Henry, in his commentary, makes a observation that is worth repeating, "After studying the Psalms we are tempted to think that religion is all emotion and consists of nothing but prayer and worship, and while this is certainly important, while we are here on earth we have to live a life in the flesh. This life must consist of conversation with the world while maintaining our religious values." This is where the Proverbs come in.

The first 6 verses of the first Proverb is an introduction to the book and states it's design and purpose. These are the proverbs of Solomon and others and their purpose is to show man wisdom that he might receive instructions in righteousness, justice and equality and know the difference between truth and falsehood. They are to be used to instruct the youth and to increase the learning of the wise.

In verses 7-9 the Author lays down the first two general rules of the wise. They are to "fear God" and "honor their parents".

Verses 10-19 cautions us to stay away from bad company. Invariably, we mimic the morals of our companions; so cast your lot with the righteous.

Verses 20 thru 33 describe the danger of not doing as we are led of the Spirit to do (hardening our hearts) for God speaks to man thru "wisdoms". The word is plural for there are many forms of wisdom thru which God works. Four are listed here.

  1. Human understanding.
  2. Civil government.
  3. Divine revelation.
  4. Christ Himself.

His call is very positive and understandable and we would be wise to heed His teachings. Three are of uttermost importance:

  1. The sure destruction of sinners.
  2. The undisputable fact that we are all sinners.
  3. The sure salvation of those who repent.

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