The Words of Agur the son of Jaked

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In this chapter we have the words of Agur recorded for us. We do not know who he was, when he lived or what tribe he belonged. We do know that these words were not of own doing, for he was a collector of writings rather than a writer. We know also that whoever did write then was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write them. In this chapter we have 27 of his collection of doctrines.

  1. He acknowledges his limitations and confesses his limits in understanding.
  2. He acknowledges his lack of learning and confesses he is not a holy man.
  3. He has here an uncanny understanding of the attributes of the Son of God.
  4. He proclaims the Word of God and declares it to be a shield to all who put their trust in them.
  5. He warns, as does John in the Book of Revelation, not to add to the words found in this book for if you do, you will be found to be a liar.
  6. He asks that the Word of God not be denied him before he died.
  7. He asks that vanity and lies be kept from him and that he not be subject to either riches or poverty.
  8. He acknowledges that riches separate us from the Lord and poverty drives us to stealing.
  9. Do not find fault with a servant before his master less the fault be found in you.
  10. There are generations that do not honor their mother and father.
  11. There are generations that are just in their own eyes but evil in the eyes of God.
  12. There is a generation that is great in their own eyes but who are worthy to eat with the dogs.
  13. There is a generation that hates the poor.
  14. A blood sucking leach cries for more and more and more.
  15. A blood sucking leach takes from the poor, the grave and the barren womb.
  16. The ravens and the young eagles shall eat those who mock their father and disobey their mother.
  17. There are things that are too wonderful for me to understand.
  18. Of those things are the way of an eagle in the air, the way of a serpent upon a rock, the way of a ship in the sea and the way of a man with a maid.
  19. An adulterous woman denies her guilt like she denies, by wiping her mouth, that she has eaten.
  20. Again, there are more things that are too wonderful for me to understand.
  21. They are a servant with authority, a fool when he has eaten his fill, a woman who becomes vain when she marries and an old servant that prevails with her master to be put into his will.
  22. There are things upon this earth that are little yet wise.
  23. The ant that prepares for his needs, the field mouse that makes its home in the rocks, the locust that succeeds without an apparent leader and the spider that weaves where it will.
  24. There are things that look stately in their stride.
  25. They are a lion, the strongest of beasts, a greyhound, a he goat, and a king.
  26. If you have done falsely in securing your wealth, or if you have done evil in any way, do not broadcast it.
  27. As the churning of milk brings forth milk and a blow to the nose brings forth blood so the causing of wrath brings forth strife.

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