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Matt Pike is the son of Larry and Joanie Pike. His dad is the developer for Oasis Plains community, and their family is the first ones that moved into a home. Matt is a student at the local high school, in an AP Science class. As part of his studies, he is watching the nearby insect population and documenting them for his project.

OccupationStudent in high school
LocationOasis Plains, Oklahoma
FamilyLarry Pike (father)
Joanie Pike (mother)
Portrayed byTyler Johnston


At the barbeque to sell more houses, Matt pulls out his pet tarantula and allows it to crawl over the table. He’s hoping it will terrify Lynda, the pushy sales director and their neighbor. But a man pushes Lynda out of the way and picks up his tarantula to bring back to Matt. He introduces himself as Sam, and they talk about Matt’s hard life with his dad. Speaking of which, his dad shows up with another man, and Larry pulls Matt to the side to give him a stern talking to about his pet.

After climbing off the bus on Wednesday, Matt heads off into the woods. While investigating a preying mantis, Sam and Dean show up. At first he wonders if they are really there to buy a house, then wonders if they are serial killers. They assure him he’s safe, before accusing him of using spiders to kill Lynda. He tells them that the tarantula at the barbeque was a joke, before inviting them to see something he’d found in the woods. They follow him into a large clearing where all the insects seem to be congregating. Sam spots an unusual area in the ground where there are thousands of worms. Dean, digging around, finds human bones.

Thursday evening Matt is outside looking at insects in the yard when he comes across a burrow that has way too many different cockroaches pouring out of it. He knows something is wrong with the insects, but doesn’t quite know what to do. A little later Sam calls, and Matt tells him about the cockroaches. Sam tells him a lot more bugs were coming, and he needs to get his dad to listen and leave. Dean grabs the phone, insisting Matt just lie and say he has a sharp pain in his side and has to go to the hospital, before hanging up.

Matt tries to get his dad to listen, but Larry won’t, and they fight. Dean and Sam show up and try to explain to Larry to leave. The bugs attack while they are still arguing, and they all head into the house. Matt leaves with Sam to go upstairs to block windows, before waiting with Mom and Dad downstairs during the swarm. When the flue on the fireplace breaks, everyone rushes upstairs, eventually ending up in the attic.

Larry huddles with Joanie and Matt over in a corner of the attic, while Dean and Sam try to keep the insects from coming in. Eventually, the insects chew their way through the roof and swarm. Dean and Sam try to fight them at first, before the five of them huddle together to try to keep them off. Amazingly, the insects leave at dawn, and they are all still alive. Stung, bit, hurting, but alive.

Larry has a chance to bond with Matt, and they have a long heart to heart talk. Not everything is completely fixed, but they have gone a long way towards healing. The family starts packing to leave. Before they leave, however, Dean and Sam show up. Sam comes over to talk with Matt, saying goodbye as Matt throws away his bug collection. They weird him out now.

